Responding to “The Deconstruction of the K-12 Teacher”

I recently read this article titled The Deconstruction of the K-12 Teacher. I don’t argue the potential for education to head in the direction described by Mark Godsey, if decisions are left to those who are not immersed in education. Godsey describes classrooms as having one large computer screen where lessons that have been crowd sourced and created by “super teachers” are played for rooms of students all over the nation. They are professionally created and media rich. They include games and assessments. The local classrooms with up to 50 students each have a “tech” running them. Making sure the students behave, watch the video and ensure the technology works.


If all our students were the same as each other and were being prepared for an industrial era where conformity and falling in line was the ultimate goal, this may be a valid argument. However, I believe this is entirely backwards.


Instead of the “super teacher” creating content and lessons, the technicians can. They are the media specialists. The “super teachers” can be in the classroom. The merging of art and science required for effective education is necessary at the point of the learner. The local, classroom teacher uses the art of building relationships and the science of learning to determine which lessons and which resources to use when. To decide when an assessment is appropriate. To provide opportunities for students to focus in on areas of interest.


The vision presented in this article is entirely backwards in my opinion. Those working with students directly need to master the balance of art and science required to “teach”. The article simplifies what learning truly is.

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